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How to configure magento coding standard with visual studio code

Magento coding standards are guidelines that promote consistency and maintainability in e-commerce development.

They emphasize naming conventions, directory structure, code organization, XML standards, security practices, performance optimization, and code documentation.

Following these standards ensures clean and maintainable code, facilitates collaboration among developers, and enhances the overall quality of Magento projects.

How to Configure Magento coding standard with visual studio code.

Step 1: Install the extension

  1. Open VSCode and navigate to the Extensions sidebar (Ctrl + Shift + X).
  2. Search for “Phpcs” and install the extension

Step 2: Install the phpcodesniffer

1)Install PHP_CodeSniffer globally using Composer by using following command

composer global require “squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*”

Step 3: Install magento coding standard and configure with php code sniffer

    1. Run the following command to install the Magento coding standard

composer global require magento/magento-coding-standard

     2.The following command for initialize the Magento Coding Standard configuration

vendor/bin/phpcs –config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/magento/magento-coding-standard

3)Run the following command to verify that Magento Coding Standard is installed correctly:

vendor/bin/phpcs -i

Step 4: Configure phpcodesniffer with visual studio code

  1. In visual studio code “phpcs” extension settings search for editing.settings.json select that.
  2. set the “Php Cs Executable Path” setting to the path of the phpcs executable.
  3. set “phpcs.standard” setting to the path of the magento-coding-standard.
  4. Save the settings.json file.


Magento coding standard is a set of rules and guidelines for writing code in the Magento ecosystem.

It ensures consistency, readability, and maintainability of Magento projects.

It enforces best practices, coding conventions, and Magento-specific standards to produce high-quality code. Adhering to Magento coding standard helps improve code quality, makes code reviews easier, and promotes a standardized approach to Magento development.